About me

I am an assistant professor at the University of North Texas, adjunct assistant professor at Northwestern University, and the CTO of SenseWhy INC. I also teach Wireless and Mobile health (mHealth), Health Informatics, Electronic Health Records, and Applied Computing courses. I received my Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from Washington State University (WSU) in 2021 at EMIL Lab. I currently work on health monitoring projects related to behavioral medicine.

Research Interests

  • Embedded Systems
  • Health Informatics
  • Mobile Health (mHealth)
  • Smart Sensing Solutions
  • On-Device Processing
  • Power Optimization and Energy Harvesting

Current Projects and Research Opportunities

  • DePaul-RFUMS Grant - SmokeSense: Advancing Wrist-Worn Devices with AI for Real-Time Smoking Insights
  • DePaul URC Grant - Batteryless UV Sensing Device for Melanoma survivors
  • NIH R01 - EAT: A Reliable Eating Assessment Technology for Free-living Individuals
  • NIH R21 - BehaviorSight: Privacy Enhancing Wearable System to Detect Health Risk Behaviors in Real-time
  • NIH R03 - WildCam: A Privacy Conscious Wearable Eating Detection Camera People Will Actually Wear in the Wild
